We are the leading Independent Platform, creating global visibility, influence and connectivity for Protocol and Diplomatic Professionals and their Communities.

The International Centre for Protocol and Diplomacy (ICPD) is advancing the values and influence within the Protocol and Diplomatic communities engaging with 100's of professionals and experts in over 55 Countries who have continuously benefited from our impactful programmes, webinars, conferences etc. As we embark on educating, Influencing and transforming global leaders we make a sig­nificant difference within the diploma­tic community and di­versified Industries. In the last 2 years we have empowered over 400 professionals, providing learning and development opportunities under our Global Executive Education Programme. Providing and researching new practical solutions especially in the new world of work.

The International Centre for Protocol and Diplomacy (ICPD) is helping to shape the strategic agenda in the Diplomatic and Protocol communities. As we continue to engage with Professionals, Diplomats, Business Leaders, Government Departments, Private multilateral and Bilateral Engagements, etc, we continue to promote dialogue that enhances Economic Growth, Global Security, Diplomatic Relationships and promote one big voice.

We strive for the highest professional standards and best practices in both our conducts and service we provide engaging others with Courtesy, Respect and Precision

We are the leading independent platform working Globally to make protocol and Diplomatic Practices more effective.

We are bridging the gap between protocol and Diplomacy, exploring opportunities to enhance international Diplomatic engagements and Helping organizations to understand the strategic empowerment.


We are dedicated to the research, Business, education, training and consultancy in the area of International Protocol & Diplomacy, International Affairs, Protocol Leadership & International Business Ethics, Knowledge and skills, Diversity & Inclusion, Strategic Leadership, Cross Cultural practices, Digital Diplomacy and corporate Diplomacy.
We strategise and accelerate the empowerment of Protocol and diplomatic professionals by promoting high quality principles, cross cultural awareness, business etiquette, order & precedence, provide professional and educational development through highly exclusive tailored training program that help shape the growth of the industry and rebuild a community with professionally trained and certified Protocol and Diplomatic Experts. We drive our visions by embracing and engaging a wide network of Professionals providing excellent support across the globe